Angela is a Genius

Breaking Down Her Master Plan

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Dear Angela,

Your genius knows no bounds. Regular players would have approached the first couple of weeks differently, but you’re no regular player, you’re a genius.

It’s week three and you find yourself on the block again and that’s ok because this was obviously planned. After all, you told Cedric to put you up. How did we get here? Your week one HOH was so unique that it made people question whether winning a week one HOH was even a good thing anymore. Let’s talk about what you did differently than most and how your “master plan” will help you to win this whole thing.

First off, if most fans won the first HOH, they’d know that it’s a great opportunity to show everyone stability. In Big Brother, you never know if people are going to act how they say they will and a normal player would use the HOH to act like an easy-to-understand commodity. But you’re no normal player.

If you were, you would have identified a target early on, made that target known, and then eliminated them. People would have seen that you were reliable and honest and no one smart wants to go against the HOH in week one so you would have been likely to evict your target.

You almost fooled us and did this! In the first couple of days, you made it clear that your HOH was aimed at Kenney and people would have voted him out if you kept that normal player façade up all week. You would have had his blood on your hands, which wouldn’t really upset anyone but Matt. When you switched your target to Matt, you showed volatility, something people actively avoid in allies. Clearly, this was all part of your plan, though.

Angela and Matt taking

Angela’s funeral, one of the all time great moves (CBS)

Some first week HOHs would have just relaxed, but not you. You had the chance to set the tone for the house and the season. In Big Brother, people are going to lose their minds eventually, and by showing that you’re consistently calm when those blow ups happen, you would have been in a good position to pick up the remains of the chaos and set up targets in front of you.

Not you though; knowing that volatility keeps other players on their toes, you used your HOH week to show that you simply cannot be relied on to be consistent. You chose to rehearse your monologue and blow up at someone that wasn’t even nominated at the time.

Angela, this was so entertaining and amazing and I thank you for it. Instead of focusing on your original target, Kenney, as most week one HOHs would have, you threw a curveball and the house and the applause turned to tears. Instead of being a stable force in an unstable game and creating the structures to carry you to jury, you’ve created fear. People are afraid to say the wrong thing to you, you genius. The other houseguests happily switched the target to Matt as they cowered during your reign.

Instead of creating structures that would stabilize the game, you created a tone of tension, drama, and future conflict. If this season was a play, you’d be William Shakespeare. You set up mistrust which has created a season filled with broken telephone and failed alliances.

Another thing that regular players would want from a week one HOH reign would be alliances. You could have either actively organized groups or you could have sat back and let people bring you alliances. Of course they’re going to want the first HOH in their group. So Quinn and Joseph looped you into The Collective; that seemed amazing! You’d be in a power position that you could probably rely on to take you all the way to jury.

Angela in the DR

Don’t try to bring me a nine person alliance made without me in the room! (CBS)

I know you were nervous that the alliance was built without you in the room. Let’s be real: it’s a nine person alliance and it’s wasn’t going to last and you saw that. If you were on the bottom of a nine person alliance with 16 people in the house, that’s the exact kind of flaky alliance that would have been good to just agree to and go with it. If someone who cares about that alliance won power, you’d be good. Fortunately, you saw through that shaky foundation.

Instead of being cool about it, you chose to call out Quinn and Joseph publicly - not by name directly - while you were calling out Matt. Only a player with your genius would take such a unique approach. Your paranoia is your genius and if you continue to let it guide you, you simply cannot be blindsided. If everyone is out to get you, you’re impervious to shenanigans. In fact, if you’re paranoid that everyone is out to get you, they eventually will be.

Now your week one wasn’t all your fault. Week one of Big Brother is hard. You’re living with fifteen roommates with huge personalities. You’re in a “house” which has the brightest lights you’ve ever seen. Your sleep is thrown off. You might not have posted on social media in the last year and all of a sudden your every move is recorded by tons of cameras and microphones in every corner. AND you’re on television for the first (or in your case fourth!) time and you’re getting used to the Big Brother social experiment.

There is no shame in not being yourself, in making poor decisions, or in being sleep deprived. If you can’t remember people’s names, no worries, you’ll get it. Also, you were forced to nominate not three people but four!! Never mind that one of your nominees could remove themselves ON EVICTION NIGHT! That’s tough for anyone to navigate.

What some might say was a bad week one is in the past now. So it’s week two and three and you’re nominated, let’s continue the master plan. You intentionally became such a big target that other players don’t even want to waste their HOHs on you. You were on the block on eviction night last week and you’ll very likely be there this week. The houseguests won’t vote you out now. By having an HOH that bad, you made sure that others would be seen as bigger threats.

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And let’s get serious because you can win this thing. But you know that, Angela, because you are the Einstein of Big Brother.

You know that now is the time to use your weak week one (and two and three) as strengths. Time to ask for feedback. To be honest with the other houseguests. To tuck your tail between your legs and ask for forgiveness. It’s clear “the house” wasn’t on your side - because of your unconventional approach - so it’s time to ask why, take feedback even if you don’t agree with it, and change your behavior based on what people said.

You could even fake nice. Rehearse your compliments in bed like you did your monologue to Matt. This is going to be hard. Part of what’s special about you is how genuine you are. As disgusting as it may be to you, this is a game where authenticity isn’t always rewarded. Take this week off from getting into any fights. If you let the spotlight dim on you, someone else will make an error or get in an argument, and you can fade into the background. Avoid TMZ for a few days, it’ll be relaxing!!

Now that it’s week three and you’re on the block, it’s time to really get going. You have a comp win against 15 houseguests, which no one else can say*. You can use that as a reason for people to work with you. You don’t have many close allies so it’s time to find them.

There are some real players in the house. Identify who those leaders are. Who are the names that NO ONE is mentioning as targets? Who won’t touch the block any time soon? Who seems to have good relationships across the board? Once you have an idea of those people, kiss their asses, Angela. Tell them you’re looking for people to pick you up. And if these are good players, they’ll start adding you to their chess boards as a pawn.

You and I both know you’re not a pawn, though. Let them think you are. Be ok with the perception that you’re not a queen and a genius. Use this week and next to campaign to them that you’re a loyal soldier. And let the heat dissipate. After all, you’re only on the block because Cedric and the rest of the house see that you’re a PLAYER.

Kenney is nominated with you again. You’ve nominated him before. Focus hard on why you nominated him and campaign like hell to get him or your other block buddy evicted.

And, Angela, you get your head on straight and keep gaming like the genius you are. Don’t blow it this time. Work with Cedric. Find allies who you can build trust with. And keep fighting. Because even if you screw up in this game, there is always a way to bounce back - until you’re sitting there with Julie.


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*Angela technically only won against 13 houseguests because of the downgrades


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