Why Tucker Needs Lisa

Two Chefs One House

Hate and love are the two closest emotions. You feel something strongly and sometimes it takes over your entire being. Tucker has spent half of his game talking about how much he hates Lisa.

Hey, glitter isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you just want to eat your food without microplastics. Sometimes you just want to be a protein product chef without all the baggage of competing with another culinary artist. And sometimes, your hate might be a sign that your biggest opportunity in the game is the very thing you despise.

It’s time for Tucker to realize that for his game, loving Lisa might be the light that leads him to BB26 legend. Here’s my logic.

One of Tucker’s favorite activities in this house has been hating on Lisa. He has taken every opportunity to talk about his disdain. This presents an opportunity that, if played correctly, can be a strength.

I remember watching HOH comps in the house. As each houseguest competed, I’d wonder, “Who is going to put me up?” I would naturally root against them. When my opponents fell and when my allies won, I’d celebrate, knowing I was safe for another week.

The more you know a houseguests’ targets the better. If you don’t think Tucker is coming after you, you’d probably be happy with him winning HOH. When someone wins power and you know you’re safe, there is no better feeling. Knowing he is almost certainly nominating Lisa makes him a reliable person in a chaotic game.

Tucker and Lisa, best friends (CBS)

Now, if you’re HOH, you probably want to target people who would target you. If Tucker has a known target, you’re probably going to avoid nominating him because you know he’s going after Lisa.

If Lisa goes home, Tucker no longer has a known target. The less people can predict your actions the harder you are to play with. So, Tucker, no matter how much you hate her, if Lisa stays in the game, you’re more likely to win $750K.

Having a public target is incredible. And if that person doesn’t have a ton of connections, like Lisa, even better. She voted the wrong way at the first eviction! People are annoyed by her and despite her veto win, don’t see her as a huge threat or as a good ally. There is also yet another advantage: people might not waste an HOH targeting Tucker EITHER because they think Lisa will target him back in the future.

Is Batman even Batman without the Joker? Professor X without Magneto? Rockstar without Brett?

Tucker, if you’re smart, you’ll figure out a way to keep Lisa around this week. You’re not you without her. You said in the DR last night that the whole house wants her gone, yet no one hates her like you. For that reason, you have to figure out how to keep her around.

Sometimes your biggest rival offers your biggest opportunity.

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If having a public enemy is a good thing, is it worth it to fake this with someone? So if Tucker suggests to Lisa the classic, “No one will ever expect us to work together,” is that a good strategic move? In his case, it seems smart on paper but looping Lisa into this fancy scheme would be an overplay. She hasn’t shown a penchant for subterfuge and their relationship is already too weird. Plus if you actually hate your allies, it makes it a lot harder.

As for setting up a fake public feud, it’s not the worst idea but it has to be a really specific scenario where both parties are skilled players that are capable of maintaining such a fake out. The other option is a lot more simple, which is JUST KEEP YOUR ALLIANCE A SECRET. This is something people seem to struggle with. It should be obvious: if people don’t know who you’re working with, it’s a good thing.

My advice to Tucker is keep Lisa around and don’t try to do anything else other than continuing to hate on her. Some folks are uncomfortable with conflict. Creating a bit of it can help keep you safe.


Tucker is very likely to be the replacement nominee because he wants to sit beside Lisa when she gets voted out. This is obviously funny, and a terrible move.

Now if you’re feeling this strongly about how much you dislike someone, relax, reevaluate, chill the heck out, and think about how you can use that hate to your advantage.


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